Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tyson Label: "No Antibiotics" Label Controversy
According to the Associated Press, the USDA wrote a letter to Tyson, the world's largest meat processor, explaining that it "overlooked" a feed additive, ionophores; the governmental agency told the company that it has a "long-standing policy" which classifies the additives as antibiotics (which in fact, it does).
But Tyson says that ionophores is not an antibiotic and that the USDA does not consider the additives as antibiotics.
The company release a statement and said, "We stand by the truthfulness of our product labels and remain fully committed to our Raised Without Antibiotics chicken program. We also expect no disruption in service to our customers."
However, the USDA has given Tyson a temporary stay of 45 days from Nov. 6 to submit a new label and new arguments, to change its feed formula, or to stop using the label.
Tyson's label will continue to read "raised without antibiotics" but add wording which states that no ingredients used create antibiotic resistance in humans.
Ionophores is an animal medication which is added to poultry to help prevent coccidiosis, an intestinal illness in chickens.
Natural Treats: Perfect for the Holidays
Wholly Wholesome offers a variety of all natural, trans fat free desserts. You won't find any refined sugars, artificial ingredients, unbleached or bromated flours, and hydrogenated oils or fats in these scrumptious baked goods.
Wholly Wholesome makes:
- Ready-to-Bake Pies: apple, blueberry, cherry and pumpkin
- Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pies
- All Butter Pound Cake
- Crumble Cakes: cinnamon, apple cinnamon, cranberry orange, double chocolate and pumpkin
- New York Style Cheesecake
- Bake-at-Home Cookie Dough: chocolate chip, oatmeal cranberry orange, oatmeal raisin and double chocolate chunk with pecans
- Mini Organic Cookies: chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, oatmeal raisin
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Tea Breads: banana nut, blueberry crumb, chocolate chocolate chip and orange cranberry
- Pie crusts and shells
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Organic Food: Healthier or Not
According to, a 4-year-research-project conducted by Newcastle University shows organic food is more nutritious than non-organic food.
Organic food contains more antioxidants, minerals, flavo-noids and less unhealthy fatty acids; for example, organic milk has between 50 and 80 more antioxidants than normal milk; organic produce and wheat has 20 to 40 percent more nutrients than non-organic foods. Thus, according to the research project, organic food is not only healthier, but it also may help prevent illnesses such as heart disease and cancer.
The studies indicate that differences between organic and non-organic produce are so marked, eating organic produce is like eating an extra portion of fruit or vegetables everyday. "If you have just 20% more antioxidants and you can't get your kids to do five a day, then you might just be okay with four a day," said Professor and Project Co-ordinator, Carlo Leifert.
The final results of the studies will be published during the next 12 months.
For more information on the story visit: or
Recipe: Warm, Holiday Brew
1/2 cup chai tea (about 2 bags strongly brewed)
1 cup organic chocolate soy milk
1 cup organic vanilla soy milk
1 tbsp. organic maple syrup
1. Brew tea to desired strength in teapot or on stove top
2. Add chocolate and vanilla soy and maple syrup. Garnish with whipped topping and cinnamon if desired
Recipe from Organic Valley's Web site. For nutrition information visit:
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Meat: Hormones on the Side, Please
Here's a peek of what you'll find under the label:
- antibiotic-free hot dogs
- organic hot dogs
- organic deli meats
- antibiotic-free deli meats
- organic sausages
- organic bacon
- antibiotic-free pepperoni sticks
- organic beef burgers
- organic turkey burgers
According to, all of their animals graze on grass which has been treated neither with fertilizers nor pesticides; additionally, the animals are given neither antibiotics nor growth hormones.
Applegate Farms reports that when compared with grain-fed cattle, grass-fed cattle has half the amount of saturated fat, more essential Omega-3 fatty acids which may help boost our immune systems, three times as much vitamin E and twice as much beta-carotene.
Order products online by clicking here or visit the site's store locater.
Natural Cereal at a Great Price
Mom's Best Cereals are full of "natural goodness": no artificial flavors, preservatives or colors, no hydrogenated oils, no saturated fats and no high fructose corn syrup!
Not only are these breakfast yummies healthier than your average, sugar-loaded cereal, but they're also safe for the environment!
According to, all electricity consumed by cereal production is from renewable energy sources. And when you purchase Mom's Best Naturals products, you're supporting a company which has been family owned for four generations.
Mom's Best cereals are available in the following varieties:
- Toasty O's
- Honey Nut Toasty O's
- Raisin Bran
- Mallow-Oats
- Toasted Wheat-ful
- Sweetened What-fuls
I found a box of cereal at my local grocery store for less than $2.
To find a store near you selling Mom's Best Naturals visit
Visit the site for a $1 coupon off any cereal.
Mom's Best Naturals also manufactures instant oatmeal in maple and brown Sugar, apples and cinnamon and cinnamon spice.
South Florida Green Markets
It's the season for fresh!
South Florida green markets are back selling everything from organic produce to exotic flowers to fresh seafood to baked goodies to fruity juices. Check out these markets before they pack up:
Delray GreenMarket
- 150 E. Atlantic Ave. Worthington Park downtown
- Open Saturdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. through May 24th. For more information call 561-276-7511
- 302 S. Federal Highway, Royal Palm Place
- Open Saturdays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. through March. For more information call 561-368-6875 or 561-239-1536
Las Olas' Farmers' Market (local and international products)
- 1201 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale
- Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information call 954-401-1800 or visit
The Midtown Miami Farmers' Market
- Buena Vista Avenue from NE 36th Street South to NE 34th Street
- Open the third Saturday of every month 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Chew on this: Natural Gum
Have the urge to chew but don’t want the icky, artificial stuff?
Glee Gum is safe for you!
All natural, Glee Gum is the only gum in the
Glee Gum is free of artificial sweeteners, flavorings, preservatives and colorings and is even vegetarian safe!
Try all three flavors:
- cinnamon
- tangerine
- peppermint
This yummy chew is not only a healthier option; according to, Glee Gum supports chicleros or tree sap collectors who depend on the chicle market. It also advocates for rainforest sustainability by supporting non-timber forest products.
Buy Glee-gum online at or check out the store locator for a store near you!
Whole Grains Kick Cancer
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study last month which shows that consuming whole grains is associated with reducing the risk for colorectal cancer.
According to, "Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) analyzed survey results from a large prospective cohort study called the NIH-AARP Study, which involves more than 291,000 men and 197,000 women aged 50 to 71."
The study shows that fiber from whole grains only is associated with reducing the risk for colorectal cancer. The participants who ate the most whole grains had a 20 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than those who ate the least. Consuming whole grains also reduces the risk for rectal cancer by 35 percent. reports that a 2003 European study shows that a diet high in fiber from whole grains, vegetables and fruits reduces the risk for colon cancer by 25 percent.
Whole grains are found in kernels such as oats, wheat, corn, rye, barley, millet, bulgur and quinoa. The outermost layer of the kernel, known as the bran, has the most fiber; the inside of the kernel, known as the germ, contains the majority of minerals, vitamins and fatty acids. The endosperm, which lies in between the bran and the germ, possess starch and few vitamins and minerals.
The problem with refining: it removes the bran and the germ!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Amy's: Organic and GMO-Free
Amy's Kitchen foods are organic, vegetarian, and free of additives, preservatives and GMOs!
Amy's offers the following:
- pizzas
- baked bowls
- burritos
- Asian dishes
- veggie burgers
- kid meals
- pot pies
- Indian dishes
- soups
- salsas
- dessert
And if you're lactose intolerant or allergic to wheat, Amy's has choices for you: more than 50 of both no-glutten added and non-diary/lactose-free and cholesterol free dishes.
Amy's deliciously fresh foods may be purchased in your local health food store or online at To find a retailer near go to
Saturday, October 27, 2007
More Egg Farmers Trashing Cages
The Associated Press Reports, "Egg farms are increasing their production of cage-free eggs, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to convert barns by tearing out cages, installing new floors, reconfiguring feed and water lines, and changing ventilation systems."
Operations Manager for
Senior Director of the Humane Society of the United States’ Factory Farming Campaign, Paul Shapiro, says that cages limit hens from spreading their wings and walking.
Joy Mench, a University of California,
According to United Egg Producers, an estimated 5 percent of eggs produced in the nation are cage-free.
Raising cage-free chickens is more expensive than traditional methods; thus, cage-free and organic eggs are more expensive. Organic chicken farms use organic feed only and allow birds to roam outdoors.
According to a survey conducted by the
Disease Prevention In Peanuts
According to the Huntsville Times, researchers in
Co-author of the study, Lloyd Walker, says that the protective chemicals, known as phytochemicals, act as antioxidants and protect cells against diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
The American Heart Association reports that studies show nuts such as almonds, peanuts, pecans, pistachios and walnuts lower blood cholesterol. However, these nuts should replace unhealthy foods rather than adding them to our diets.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Cut the Cheese, It's Organic
International dairy manufacturer, Glanbia Foods, plans to test the market for organic cheese for about a year.
According to, CEO of Glandbia Foods said that the decision was made after tracking sales in the organic market. He told, “…there will be about a 20 percent annual growth in the organic cheese market.”
The organic cheeses will be produced in the same facilities used for non-organic cheeses; the new products will be manufactured in the morning when the facility is clean and meets organic food standards, and the regular cheeses will be made throughout the rest of the day.
The company will produce eight to 10 pounds of organic cheeses such as colby monterrey jack and cheddar throughout the next 12 months; this will be about 10 percent of the company’s overall cheese output.
Smaller companies will buy the cheeses and sell them under their own label just as the rest of Glanbia foods.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Organic Soda: Who Knew
We all know soda is bad: preservatives, caffeine, sugar and artificial sweeteners!
But did you know there is a “healthier” soda?
Blue Sky makes those fizzy, sugary beverages we crave but without the caffeine, preservatives and artificial colors and flavors.
The USDA Certified Organic Sodas are sweetened with organic cane juice; the juice is purely unrefined!
But it’s important not to abuse any form of sugar.
Blue Sky Organic Sodas come in the following flavors:- Black Cherry Cherish
- New Century Cola
- Orange Divine
- Ginger Ale
- Organic Lemon Lime
- Root Beer Encore
For an even more health-conscious option, try Blue Sky Lite in Wild Raspberry, Jamaican Ginger Ale, Cherry Vanilla Crème and Creamy Root Beer. Each 12 ounce can has 13 grams of sugar.
Blue Sky also makes sports drinks, ginger colas, energy drinks and natural sodas.
To find a store near you selling Blue Sky go to
Rice test reveals Budweiser contains genetically modified rice
According to the Organic Consumer Association, Greenpeace found the presence of genetically engineered rice in an Anheuser- Busch rice mill in
The presence of GE rice (Bayer LL601) was discovered by an independent laboratory commissioned by Greenpeace; the GE-rice was detected in three out of four samples.
Anheuser-Busch told Greenpace that “all Budweiser exported from the
The company told Greenpeace that the rice is approved by the
About 30 percent of rice stocks in the
No explanation for the contamination exists.
Anheuser-Busch is the "largest single rice buyer in the U.S."Available through exports and local brewing, Budweiser beer is found in about 60 countries.
Salt Intake: Global Killer
Excess consumption of sodium can lead to hypertension, but how significant is the issue?
"Worldwide, added salt almost certainly is killing more people than AIDS, malaria, terrorism, obesity, high cholesterol and tobacco," said James J. Kenney on He is a registered dietitian, nutrition research specialist and author of continuing-education courses for registered dietitians/nutritionists.
In the Sun-Sentinel, Dr. Nicolaos E. Madias said that even if you exhibit normal blood pressure at 55-years-old, “you still have a 90 percent lifetime risk of developing HTN (hypertension).” He is chairman of the Department of Medicine at Caritas St. Elizabeth's
Madias says that the problem of high blood pressure lies in the low potassium and high sodium diet of U.S. Americans.
According to studies, an increased intake of potassium can reduce your chances of having a stroke. Potassium can be found in foods such as bananas, apricots, raisins, potatoes and spinach. But the mineral should not be abused. Read more about potassium at and
People with health problems such as hypertension and heart disease, the elderly and African Americans should consume even less sodium. African American men and women consume more than 75 percent of needed salt.
High Blood pressure isn’t the only consequence of salty eating!
“The most common bacterial infection is H. pylori," said researcher Hanan Gancz of the
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Sunrise urged to say good-bye to trans fat
The Sun-Sentinel states that city commissioners unanimously approved a nonbinding resolution asking restaurants to rid their menus of the cholesterol-increasing fat.
Although the measure is not mandatory, city commissioner Sheila Alu believes that it will "promote healthier lifestyles."
Research shows that trans-fat or partially hydrogenated oils increase "bad" LDL cholesterol and lower "good" HDL cholesterol; this can lead to clogged arteries and heart disease. Read more at
The oils can be found in foods such as cookies, doughnuts, margarine, crackers and fried foods.
But Sunrise isn't the first locale to combat trans fat.
The city of Tamarac implemented a similar measure, and the Broward County School District banned trans fat from school cafeterias.
Before 2006, the FDA didn't require food labels to list trans fat.
And just because a label says "zero trans fat", it doesn't mean it is! A serving is allowed to have up to 0.5 grams of trans fat and still be labeled "trans-fat-free".
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Greek Yogurt: Low Sugar, High Protein
That's why there is FAGE (pronounced "fa-yeh"), an all natural, Greek, strained yogurt!
Manufactured in Greece, FAGE is unlike your ordinary yogurt sitting in the cold, dairy aisle. It's thick, creamy and has no sugar added! Contrary to yogurts manufactured by U.S. American companies, FAGE has only three ingredients: grade A pasteurized skimmed milk and cream and live active yogurt cultures.
Did I mention it's safe for the lactose intolerant?!
A 6.5 ounce of FAGE 0% (fat free) contains 80 calories, a whopping 13 grams of protein, 6 grams of sugar and 6 carbohydrates.
FAGE is available in the following varieties:
- FAGE total classic
- FAGE total 0%
- FAGE total 2%
- FAGE total 5%
- FAGE total honey
- FAGE total fruit
For a flavorful treat, sweeten plain FAGE with honey and top with nuts! Fruit always is welcome!
Yogurt is known for its many health benefits; live active cultures have been known to aid with ulcers, strengthen the immune system, reduce the occurrence of yeast infections and fight against food-poisoning causing bacteria such as Salmonella. For more information on yogurt check out and
Find FAGE in your local health food store. Check out
Vitamin B-17: Answer to Cancer
Preceded by Heart Disease, cancer is the number two cause of death in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 559,000 U.S. Americans will die from cancer this year. That's about 1,500 people a day!
Excluding non-invasive and bladder cancer, about 1.45 million new cancer cases are expected during 2007.
But if there was a way to help prevent cancer?
According to Dr. Ernst T. Krebs Jr., cancer is caused by a deficiency. He says that consuming foods high in vitamin B-17 or nitrilosides prevents cancer. Read more at
In 1974, author and political commentator, Edward G. Griffin, published World Without Cancer, summarizing and analyzing Dr. Krebs' finding. Krebs and other holistic such as Dr. Thomas A. Doorman, insist that there is no cure for cancer, but that natural sources such as vitamin B-17 help rid the body of cancer. Visit the Cancer Cure Foundation at
The American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association and the FDA call this a "quackery"or a scheme to make money. They say that their tests prove vitamin b-17, also known as Laetrile, is not effective for treating cancer.
According to Griffin, the 1953 California Report continues to be the basis of most scientific or legal opposition to vitamin B-17 today. The report, written by Dr. Henry Garland and Dr. E. M. McDonald of the California Medical Association's Cancer Advisory Commission, claims there is no proof Laetrile is an effective control for cancer.
However, Griffin writes in World Without Cancer that Garland and McDonald actually falsified information from Laetrile experiments cited in the California Report. In fact, 10 years after the report was published, original documents surfaced that proved information had been falsified. Although the report was subsequently updated, additional problems – such as insufficient vitamin dosages used in the experiments – persisted, and the conclusions of the original California Report remained embedded in the literature and minds of many.
During the same time of the experiments on Laetrile,
Why would the American Cancer Society and government regulatory agencies suppress the possible wonder of Laetrile?
On Griffin said,"They do that because they're trying to make a buck, and something that is found in nature, like Laetrile, cannot be patented."
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a 1 percent drop in the cancer death rate would eliminate about $500 billion from U.S. economy over the next hundred years.
Concentrated forms of Laetrile are sold, but Dr. Krebs suggested consuming it naturally. Apricot kernels are potent in vitamin B-17; the vitamin also may be found in the following foods: sweet almonds, apple and apple seeds, wild blackberries, chickpeas, cherries, peaches and plums.
Although holistic treatments for cancer vary, they are less costly than traditional methods such as radiation and chemotherapy.
World Without Cancer estimates that the survival rate for orthodox treatments for advanced cancer is 1/10 of 1 percent while that of holistic approaches is 15 percent.
To learn more about vitamin B-17 and the politics of cancer read or watch World Without Cancer
Film: World Without Cancer
Part I
Part II
"No matter how useless or harmful common practices may be, consensus medicine demands that they be used by every physician...if a doctor deviates from this pattern and dares to apply nutrition as the basis of his treatment, even he if attains a high degree of success, he is condemned as a quack!"
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Recall: Soy Deli Tofu and Tofu Products
On Oct. 2, more products were recalled:
- All varieties and sizes of SOY DELI TOFU coded Jan. 28, 2008 or earlier, including all Soy Deli All-Natural Tofu Burgers
- The following products dated Nov. 28, 2007 or earlier: Soy Deli Soy Lower Carb pastas, including manicotti, ravioli and tortellini; the 16-ounce Quong Hop Organic Nigari Tofu firm style non-pasteurized, water-packed; Soy Deli bulk products and the Nigari Firm Tofu 54 PC product
The voluntary recall was initiated after the Washington State Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety Program detected Listeria in a package of tofu during regular testing.
Symptoms of the bacteria include fever, sever headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain and even miscarriages and still births in pregnant women.
According to the Sun-Sentinel, the company said that no illness have been reported.
The products were distributed in grocery and health-food stores in the West Coast and Midwest.
Products should be returned to the place of purchase for a refund.
Consumers may reach the company at 650-553-9900.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Buttery flavoring good for popcorn but bad for lungs
The buttery flavoring known as diacetly is suspected to be a cause of lung diseases in factory workers; Democrats are responding.
Congress passed a bill on last Wednesday which if also passed by the Senate would ban the use of the flavoring two years after the bill’s signing.
According to the Sun-Sentinel, Democrats are pushing to eliminate the product before more popcorn industry workers or others are harmed.
The Bush Administration and the Senate believe the Democrats are acting too soon. The Republican’s prefer to take action after the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) conducts a study on the ingredient; they believe diacetly could be replaced with a more harmful additive.
Exposure to diacetly fumes may be the cause of “popcorn packer’s lung” or bronchiolitis obliterans, a disease which destroys the lung’s airways. A lung transplant is the only recourse.
International Flavoring & Fragrances (IFF) and Bush Boake Allen, both flavor manufacturers, have been sued by popcorn factory workers who claim the companies were aware of diacetyls dangers. According to, 43 workers have either won verdicts or received settlements since 2004.
But the OSHA says that there is not a direct relationship between the disease and exposure to the fumes because factory workers are exposed to other flavorings.
On, the OSHA lists the following symptoms of diacetyl:
- Eye, mucous membrane, respiratory system, skin irritation Persistent cough
- Phlegm production
- Wheezing
- Dyspnea (shortness of breath)
- Unusual fatigue
- Episodes of mild fever or generalized aches
- Severe skin rashes
Popcorn manufacture Pop Weaver has replaced diacetly with another flavoring, and ConAgra plans to eliminate the ingredient from its products within the next year.
Diacetyl occurs naturally in foods such as butter, coffee and vinegar.
It is used to add flavor to butter, butterscotch and creams and may be found in microwave popcorn, icing, fast food, baked products, syrups, salad dressing, processed cheese, sour cream, non-and low-fat dairy products and cottage cheese.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Studies say aspartame is safe, but testimonials say something else
My Experience with Aspartame
I have been suffering from tension headaches and migraines for about 4 years. I decided to take the "60 day aspartame test" to find out if the sweetener was a factor of my pain. I eliminated ALL aspartame from my diet!
My headaches became less painful and prevalent about 3 weeks into the test; I even stopped taking magnesium which used to reduce the occurrence of my headaches.
I've been aspartame-free for 50 days! I still get headaches, but they are less painful and frequent than before my detox.
Others experience more than headaches
In 1991, nutritionist Janet Starr Hull was diagnosed with a fatal thyroid disorder known as Grave's Disease. It turns out she had aspartame poisoning which was mimicking the symptoms of the Grave's Disease.
On she says, "I never really had Graves Disease, but my doctors were convinced I did."
After detoxing her body from aspartame for 30 days, Starr Hull's health was restored.
In response to her experience, the nutritionist wrote Sweet Poison: How the World's Most Popular Sweetener Is Killing Us-My Story. First published in 2000, the book documents the history of aspartame, government reports, case studies and tips for cleansing your system naturally. She also has published books revealing the dangers of other artificial sweeteners such as Splenda.
Take the challenge! Give up ALL aspartame for 60 days and notice the difference in YOUR health!
For more information on the Janet Starr Hull and her publications visit or
New Study Reports Aspartame Safe: Side Effects Linger
According to WebMD, a panel of experts concluded early in September that there are not any health risks associated with consuming aspartame, but the panel was funded by Ajinomoto Company Inc., a manufacturer of aspartame.
"We conclude aspartame is very safe," panel coordinator Bernadene Magnuson, PhD, assistant professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Maryland, said at a news conference.
But Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., executive director of the consumer group Center for Science in the Public Interest, thinks the report is “totally unreliable”.
Ajinomoto did not choose the panel members, and the researchers were not notified of the study’s funding until it was submitted for publication.
Still, Jacobson is skeptical of the study.
"They say Ajinomoto paid for the study but researchers didn't know who paid. Well, they knew it was industry. And some of these people are longstanding industry consultants," Jacobson says. "You get what you pay for. What we need are high-quality studies, such as those that could be done by the National Toxicology Program."
Although the low-calorie sweetener was approved by the FDA in 1981, many nutritionists and doctors such as Janet Star Hull and Dr. Russell L. Blayloc have published books on its side effects:
- brain tumors
- brain damage
- birth defects
- abdominal pain
- irritability
- depression
- Fibromyalgia Syndrome and symptoms of Fibromyalgia
- Multiple Sclerosis symptoms
- dizziness
- menstrual problems
- headaches
According to the FDA, the European Ramazzini Foundation (ERF) published a report in 2005 stating that aspartame causes cancer. Read more on
Why could aspartame be harmful?
Aspartame is composed of phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. Phenylalanine and aspartic acid are amino acids naturally present in foods but in combinations with other amino acids. In aspartame, they stand alone and are bond by methanol.
Ten percent of aspartame is methanol or wood alcohol. It can cause toxicity. When present at room temperature, 86 degrees F, the methanol is converted into formaldehyde. Diet sodas stored at room temperature clearly pose this danger. Formaldehyde is in the same class of deadly toxins as Cyanide and Arsenic.
Aspartame is present in diet and sugar free foods; it may be labeled as phenylalanine, phenylketuronics, Canderel, NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful and Equal-Measure.
The following artificial sweeteners also have been known to cause adverse side effects: Neotame, Splenda (sucralose), Acesulfame-K (Sunette, Sweet & Safe, Sweet One), Cyclamates and saccharin.
No sugar is healthy, but it's safer to use natural sweeteners such as barley malt, evaporated cane juice, fruit juice, rice syrup and honey. Sugar alcohols such as xylitol and sorbitol, high fructose sweeteners and refined sugars should be used in small amounts.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Recall of Organic Raw Cream
Organic Pastures Grade A raw cream with code dates Sept. 14 through Sept. 21 has been recalled by the FDA due to a possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes. Those at serious risk include adults, infants, pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems.
On Sept. 7, the California Department of Food and Agriculture ordered Organic Pastures Dairy Company to withdraw raw cream products from all distributors. The bacteria, Listeria, was found in the products during regular laboratory testing.
Pasteurization reduces bacterial diseases, but raw cream does not undergo the process.
No illnesses have been reported.Products should be returned to the place of purchase for a refund or trashed!
Fishy Produce: Made in a petri dish
The questions you have about genetically engineered food are answered in the The Future of Food, a 2004 film directed by Deborah Koons Garcia.
"THE FUTURE OF FOOD offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store shelves for the past decade," states
What do our government officials have to do with deregulation and GM food approval?
The film explains that there is an ongoing relationship between government regulatory agency employees and corporate employees. It's like a "revolving door". For example,
- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, was President of Searle, subsidary of Monsanto
- Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice, was a lawyer for Monsanto's Regulatory Affairs
- Linda Fischer, Department Director of the EPA, has been back and forth three times between the EPA and Monsanto
Find out how genetic engineering can affect us, our families and our future!
The Future of Food: Video four of seven
Watch them all at
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Make Your Own Snack Bar
For a healthier choice, try Health Valley's assortment of bars: organic cereal, cafe' creations, peanut butter and granola. Sometimes, Health Valley bars have $1 coupons on the boxes for immediate discount. Take advantage of such promotions and get a box for less than $2 at Tunies!
Here's a quick recipe to create your own delicious and nutritious snack bars!
- unsweetened and unsalted puffed corn or wheat
- 1/2 cup of crunchy peanut butter (preferably organic)
- 2 tbsp. honey
- 1/2 cup raisins or no sugar added dried fruit
Preheat oven 350 degrees.
Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Add or decrease dried fruit to taste. Line pan with wax paper. Mold mixture into pan and bake 8-10 minutes. Cool and cut into desired servings.
Canola Oil--Consume or Trash
The Food and Drug Administration stated:
"Limited and not conclusive scientific evidence suggests that eating about 1 1/2 tablespoons (19 grams) of canola oil may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease due to the unsaturated fat content in canola oil. To achieve this possible benefit, canola oil is to replace a similar amount of saturated fat and not increase the total number of calories you eat in a day. One serving of this product contains [x] grams of canola oil."
The FDA's site says that they did not want "to not mislead consumers" about the oil and therefore, they intentionally used the phrase "limited and not conclusive" in their claim.
But in 2005, U.S. Canola Association (USCA) President Paul Tyer said, "Healthy oils like canola are key sources of fat in the diet and can help get and keep Americans healthy."
But, what exactly is Canola oil? And where does it come from?
Canola oil is derived from the rape seed plant, the most toxic, oil-producing plant. Through genetic alteration, the plant was converted into "canola" or low erucic acid rapeseed (LEAR); its toxic component of erucic acid was decreased, and it was named after the nation in which it was altered, Canada.
Today, the majority of canola oil used in the U.S. is derived from GM plants. It contains 0.3 to 1.2 percent of euricic acid.
According to a Chinese study released in 1995, unrefined Chinese rapeseed oil "may increase lung cancer risk."
No U.S. studies showing the long-term effects of human consumption of canola oil have been published by non-canola oil supporters. For more information go to world-read, columnist DL Dewey's Web site.
Canola oil is listed as a pesticide on the EPA's Web Site!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Grocery Shopping for GE-Free
Buy products labeled as GMO-free (free of genetic modification) and GE-free (free of genetic engineering!
Look at the PLU code for produce:- Organic produce has a five-digit number beginning with a 9. For example, organic bananas, 94011
- Conventional produce has a four-digit number beginning with a 3 or 4. For example, bananas, 4011
- Genetically engineered produce has a five-digit number and begins with an 8. For example, GE bananas, 84011. Find more information on product labeling go to
According to the Sun-Sentinel, GM meat and fish are not approved from human consumption, but GE grains are fed to animals and even farmed fish. Buy organic or hormone-free meat and dairy products.
Anything containing corn, soy and canola oil is genetically engineered; this includes corn syrup and the soy lecithin in baby formula. Try to use organic sugars, honey, fruit juices and maple syrup as sweeteners.
Avoid food additives and flavorings.
“Natural” does not make a product GE-free!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Cookies without the Unnatural Guilt

They look like Oreo Goldens except they are healthier and perhaps tastier!
Made with organic flours, organic sugars, organic non-hydrogenated oils, and NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, Country Choice Sandwich Cremes Vanilla are perfect for the health conscious with a sweet tooth!
A serving of two cookies contains:
- 130 calories
- zero grams of trans fat
- zero grams of cholesterol
- 11 grams of sugar
Get a 12 oz. bag of the certified USDA Organic sandwich cremes for $2.79 plus tax at Tunies Super Saver Nutrition Center located at
More flavors are available at
Publix a La' Naturale
Publix plans to open its first GreenWise Market this month on Legacy Avenue in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.. According to, "Shoppers will discover a wide array of natural and organic foods and earth-friendly products, as well as freshly prepared ready-to-eat cuisine." The market, taking its name from Publix's GreenWise Market Brand and complimentary issue of Publix GreenWise Market magazine, will feature:
- Organic standards. The store will adhere to strict operational criteria to ensure the integrity and purity of its organic offerings. Many departments are seeking "organic" certification for the manner in which they prepare fresh organic foods.
- Built greener. We're aiming for LEED certification with this store. LEED stands for "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design," and our goal is to make our store more "green," reducing our impact on the environment.
- Exceptional merchandise. Specialty areas will feature fine wines, cheeses from around the world, and body-care products.
- Special expertise. In every department, experts will be at the ready to answer questions, make suggestions, and help make the shopping experience the best it can be.
It’s no secret why Publix has jumped on the bandwagon of natural foods! According to the Natural Food Merchandiser, more than $51 billion was spent on organic and natural products in 2005. The overall increase of organic food was about 16 percent, but organic fresh meat and seafood saw a growth of an estimated 67 percent.
The food chain plans to open GreenWise Markets in Boca Raton, Coral Springs, Tampa, and Vero Beach, Florida.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Vegetarian Friendly Toothpaste
Glycerin, a clear and syrup-like substance, may be synthetically and naturally derived from vegetable and animal by-products. It is found in:
- Shampoos
- conditioners
- soaps
- lotions
- toothpastes
But what is it doing in our toothpaste?
Toothpaste manufactures use glycerin as a moistener. It gives toothpaste its paste-like consistency. Sensodyne uses glycerin that may be either synthetic or animal-derived. Mentadent uses glycerin from animal by-products only. Crest is using synthetic glycerin, but older tubes may have animal products; tracing their source of glycerin is impossible. Read more at
Want freedom from beef tallow?
Colgate uses synthetic glycerin only. Tom’s of Maine Natural Care uses glycerin derived from coconut, palm oil, and palm kernel oil. A 5.5 oz. tube of Tom’s runs for about $4. It comes in 7 different varieties. Check out tomsofmaine .com. Find it in your local grocery/health store and online.